The PURSUIT visual shell contains a Programming by Demonstration (PBD) interface to help solve this problem. In a PBD system, users execute actions on examples and the system constructs a general program. Such systems enable users to create general procedures without having special programming skills. They are easy to use because users operate the way they normally do in the interface. Unfortunately, they have limitations: they can infer incorrectly; most display no static representation of the inferred program; and many provide no editing capabilities. This makes it difficult for users to know if the system has inferred correctly and to correct any errors. It also makes it difficult to revise or change a program.
To address these problems, PURSUIT introduces a novel graphical representation of the program while it is being written. Programs are represented in a state-based visual language in which data objects, such as files and folders, are represented as icons and operations are represented by the changes they cause to data icons. This chapter discusses this approach.
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